Collection: Baccanalle Picnic_OLD

Great food, fresh're off to an awesome start!

Here are some other ways to level up your picnic - courtesy of Baccanalle:

  1. Bring along a big tarp to put down on the grass just in case it's a bit...dewy
  2. Spread your favourite outdoor blanket on the grass
  3. Add in a few pillows - outdoor patio ones are awesome for easy wipe and re use or picnic in style with some of these beautiful African print pillows
  4. Tunes! What's your vibe? Bring your faves!
  5. Tent it Up! If you have the space to bring it, putting up a new tent these days is super-easy and gives you instant privacy and a camping vacay feel!
  6. Game on! Check out the Baccanalle blog and learn about one of our favourite card games - All Fours!
  7. Location, Location, Location - here are some of our top picks in the Region!
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